Vietnam Alliance for Tax Justice Training: “Does tobacco tax reform help improve household welfare in Vietnam?”
Đăng vào 26/07/2023
In 2 days from July 12-13, 2023 at Hai Tien Resort Thanh Hoa, Vietnam Center for Economic and Strategic Studies (VESS), a member of the Vietnam Alliance for Tax Justice (VATJ) organized a training course with the content “Does tobacco tax reform help improve household welfare in Vietnam?”. The training is part of a research project on tobacco tax jointly conducted by members of the Vietnam Alliance for Tax Justice.
A two-day training course that equips youth and the media for evidence-based tobacco tax reform in Vietnam. Objectives of the training to connect individuals and organizations with the same interest in tobacco tax reform. This is also an opportunity for young people to connect, to learn, exchange ideas and discuss with experts, contributing to raising awareness and deeper understanding on tobacco in Vietnam.
To open the training session, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Duc Thanh, Director of the Vietnam Center for Economic and Strategic Studies (VESS) introduced an overview of the background of the research project as well as the objectives of the training session. Next, the members introduced themselves and shared a summary of their tobacco concerns.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Duc Thanh opening the training course
The first training topic was “Overview of the tobacco industry in Vietnam” by Dr. Le Huong Linh, Lecturer at the International School – Hanoi National University shared. The main content of the topic is the history of the tobacco industry; Tobacco Market in Vietnam (Supply and Demand Issues).
Dr. Le Huong Linh introduced Tobacco Industry Overview in Vietnam
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Duc Thanh continued the training session with topic 2 “Tobacco tax issues in Vietnam”. This topic focuses on the effectiveness of tobacco taxes in reducing smoking rates and concerns related to smuggling and the regressiveness of tobacco taxes.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Duc Thanh shared topic 2
The second day of the training course continued with the topic “Welfare and Multidimensional Welfare of Households” by Dr. Le Huong Linh. In this topic, Dr. Linh shared the following content: What is welfare? Welfare-related approaches and why multidimensional welfare is important.
Dr. Le Huong Linh shared about The multidimensional welfare of the household
Following the topic on Multidimensional Welfare, Mr. Pham Van Long, Deputy Director of the Vietnam Center for Economic and Strategic Studies (VESS) shared topic 4 with the content “The relationship between tobacco tax and multidimensional welfare of Vietnamese households”.
MSc. Pham Van Long presented The relationship between tobacco tax and the multidimensional welfare of Vietnamese households
The training session ended with a very interesting topic sharing from Ms. Nguyen Thu Huong, The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) on the topic “The relationship between tobacco tax and health”.
Ms. Nguyen Thu Huong shared “The relationship between tobacco tax and health”
After 2 days of training, the participants kept for themselves useful information related to the topic of tobacco to serve their research, teaching or interest projects in the future.