On the morning of October 18, 2022 in Hanoi, the Vietnam Center for Economic and Strategic Studies (VESS) in collaboration with the Center for Development and Integration (CDI) organized the announcement of the results of the “Ministry Open Budget Index MOBI 2021”.
Download the results of the MOBI Survey 2021 at HERE.
Download the Slide Presentation at HERE.
Download the Press Release at HERE.
Download Policy Brief at HERE.
Live video of the Launching with presentations and opinions from experts at HERE.
Opening the announcement session, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Duc Thanh, Director of the Vietnam Center for Economic and Strategic Studies (VESS), said that with the POBI Provincial Open Budget Index, we have recorded a marked improvement annually. However, with MOBI, my impression is that this index is low and continuously to be low during the last 4 years of conducting the survey. It shows that Central Agencies using state budget have not really complied with the law on publicity and transparency, the level of budget disclosure of Ministries and Central Agencies has improved compared to MOBI 2020.
Although the MOBI 2021 survey results show that the level of budget disclosure of ministries and Central Agencies has improved compared to MOBI 2020. However, there are still many units that have not yet fully disclosed and fully disclosed enough, showing that the units still have not met the requirements under the provisions of the 2015 State Budget Law, Circular 61/2017/TT-BTC and Circular 90/2018/TT-BTC. The average score of MOBI 2021 is 30.9 points, an increase of 9.26 points compared to MOBI 2020. In the MOBI 2020 ranking, the Ministry of Finance is still the unit with the highest ranking with 76.16 points converted, and is the only unit publicly rated at FULL. In the second place is Vietnam Television with 72.09 points and in third place is the State Bank of Vietnam with 59.09 points. Mr. Dung made a statement: “Why is the number of documents on the estimation is more than the final settlement documents? Is it because the estimate is only a forecast, and the final settlement documents clearly reflects the quality of budget use by each agency, so agencies are still concerned and avoided.”

In term of availability: The survey results show that Ministries and Central Agencies have not fully disclosed budget documents as prescribed. There are 30 agencies and organizations out of 44 agencies in the MOBI 2021 survey period that have published at least 1 budget document (accounting for 68.2%), an increase of 3 units compared to the 2020 survey period. However, there are still 14 Ministries and Central Agencies that did not publicize any documents at the time of the survey (equivalent to 31.8%).
“Given the situation, we have to go back to analyze more specific causes, why the level of publicity is so low and what factors can be improved to come up with an appropriate solution” – Mr. Tan stated.
In terms of timeliness: In general, there is a slight but not a significant improvement. Ministries and Central Agencies have not promptly disclosed budget documents as prescribed. Out of 23 units that have published documents on the 2022 budget estimate, only 7 have published on time as prescribed, within 15 days from December 31, 2020. For documents on the 2020 Budget Finalization, 12 out of 20 units have disclosed information on time as prescribed. The remaining documents including the Report on the implementation of the unit budget for the first quarter, six months, nine months and the whole year of 2021 were only disclosed on time by 6, 7 and 7 units respectively. None of the units publicly reported on the implementation of the full year 2021 budget.
In terms of convenience: 33 out of 44 units scored on convenience (equivalent to 75%), an increase of 1 unit compared to the MOBI 2020 survey. The format of budget documents is published on the website’s portal/website is mainly available in pdf or scanned form, so it is still a limitation for people to read and use budget information from these document formats. The State Bank of Vietnam, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs are the units that publish documents in the most convenient format (excel file), easy to access and use documents.
In term of completeness: The results of the MOBI 2021 survey show that the published budget documents do not have all the content specified in Circular 90/2018/TT-BTC, the explanatory report is missing or the content is incomplete tables. Mrs. Huong commented: “The first time MOBI was implemented in 2018 recorded that almost no agency published relatively complete budget documents. Four years from then, we have seen an improvement in the number of agencies disclosing their budgets, but the results are low, and far from the POBI score. This shows that the provincial authorities seem to be doing better than the central level in budget disclosure.” Out of 30 units which has at least one of the six budget documents been public, The Ministry of Finance, Vietnam Television and the State Bank of Vietnam are leaders in terms of completeness of budget documents. In which, the Ministry of Finance ranked first with 53.49 points in terms of completeness.

The MOBI survey was conducted independently by two member organizations of the Budget Transparency Alliance for Progess(BTAP), the Center for Development and Integration (CDI) and the Vietnam Center for Economic and Strategic Studies (VESS). MOBI 2021 assesses the level of budget disclosure of 44 central ministries and agencies, of which 38 Ministries and Central Agencies are estimating units and 6 Central Agencies and Organizations are supported by the state budget.
Media Clipping:
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