Publishing research results “Toward a Good Governance of The Mining Sector – A Political Economy Approach”
Đăng vào 18/03/2023
On 17th March 2023, VATL launched this research – Toward a good governance of the mining sector with active engagement of policy makers (MONRE), MPI, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Research Institutes, Vietnam Union of Geological Sciences, mining companies, CSOs and media. X mining company was among panelists of the workshop who actively engaged in discussion with policy makers, research institutes and acknowledge the research findings and recommendations, especially on transparent management of mining revenue.
Download research results and presentations HERE (Vietnamese ver.)
Photos at the Announcement Ceremony are continuously updated at HERE.
Review the Announcement Ceremony with expert presentations and discussions HERE.
At the launching, MSc Pham Van Long, the representative of the research team, presented outstanding results including: position and role of the mining industry in GDP and employment. The governance of the mining industry only achieved 6/27 principles on the general framework of principles. This is because the policy institutions, management coordination is not good. From those observations, the research team has made 04 groups of appropriate policy recommendations.

- Hướng tới hệ thống quản trị tài nguyên tốt hơn
- Công nghiệp khai khoáng: Cần hệ thống quản trị tốt hơn
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- Hướng tới hệ thống quản trị tài nguyên tốt hơn trong ngành khai khoáng Việt Nam